Amalgamation FAQs

A temporary website with information about the amalgamation of the seven colleges in the period leading up to amalgamation (June 28, 2024) has launched. The website features a news section, and a dedicated page for registrants that includes Frequently Asked Questions specific to registrant concerns.

FAQs for Registrants

In light of amalgamation timing, COTBC has decided to launch the ACCR 2024 and Registration Renewal separately for 2024. Please see the Registration Renewal and Quality Practice for more information.

Registration renewal fees remain the same ($525) for the upcoming renewal period (2024-2025). After amalgamation, the new Board will assess the budgeting needs to fund all operations of the college to determine future fees. It is not anticipated that fees will change shortly after June 28, 2024, as this analysis will require some time. 

Colleges are assessing the opportunity and challenges in aligning renewal dates, but decisions will be made after amalgamation.  For 2024-2025 registration renewal opens on May 13, 2024. See renewal for further information.

No, the scope of practice for any professions regulated by the new college will not be impacted by the amalgamation. Scope of practice is established by the Ministry of Health. It is not the intent of the modernization initiative to alter scope of practice.

Once the new college has conducted a fulsome review of all programs, it can make decisions about quality assurance requirements in the future. The introduction of the Health Professions and Occupations Act may also impact quality assurance requirements once it is enacted at some point after amalgamation. As a reminder, professional requirements such as quality assurance are prescribed in bylaws and determined by the Board. See Quality Practice for more information regarding 2024-2025 requirements.

The College will undergo a legal amalgamation as of June 28, 2024. This means COTBC will become a new entity with a new name, with changes to the internal organizational structure. COTBC staff will continue to be available to provide support and guidance to registrants before and after the legal amalgamation is complete. We will keep you updated along this process.

FAQs General Infomation

Amalgamation 2024 will help create a new regulator for the amalgamating professions that will serve as one point of contact for the patients, the public and registrants. It will ultimately improve patient safety, promote better patient outcomes, and increase public confidence through transparency and accountability. This initiative is informed by the Government of British Columbia’s plan to modernize the health regulatory system to better serve the patients and the public.

View amalgamation updates.

In recognition of the significant undertaking to amalgamate the colleges, the Ministry of Health has provided initial funding to begin amalgamation work and additional funding for resources required to implement these amalgamations.

This amalgamation is being directed by the Ministry of Health, as part of its multi-year initiative to modernize BC’s health profession regulatory framework. This initiative is informed by the Cayton Report and the 2020 Recommendations of the Steering Committee on Modernization of Health Professional Regulation. More information about the government’s initiative to modernize the provincial health profession regulatory framework is available on the Ministry of Health’s Professional Regulation web page.

Cabinet made the decision on the groupings for the two new multi-profession colleges, informed, in part, by feedback from the amalgamating colleges.

In June 2024, it is not anticipated that the Code of Ethics or the complaints process for Occupational Therapists in British Columbia will change. Once established, the Board of the new organization will set their strategic priorities and harmonization may begin.

As amalgamation gets closer, more information will become available, and we are committed to sharing it with you – see Amalgamation Updates.

FAQs on Confirmed Name for New Multi-Professional College

The new name of the Multi-Professional College is the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC. See news post for more information.

Allan Seckel, K.C., the Amalgamation Lead, submitted name recommendations to the Ministry of Health this fall. The Ministry of Health then chose a proposed name, informed by these recommendations.

A brand identity and a public awareness campaign is underway to assist the public in knowing which college is regulating which professions.

FAQs on Proposed Occupational Therapy Regulation Amendments

This FAQ addresses the proposed amendments to the Occupational Therapists Regulation.

Professional regulation is undergoing significant change both in terms of the introduction of the new Health Professions and Occupations Act (“HPOA”), which is not yet in force, and the scheduled amalgamation of several of the smaller colleges under the Health Professions Act before the HPOA coming into effect. The Ministry of Health wishes to ensure that the regulations for four of the colleges, which include amalgamation plans (which regulate Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists, and Physical Therapists), are current and align with the Health Professions Act (HPA).

The Ministry has expressed that these proposed changes intend to better align these four regulations, which have not been substantially updated in many years, with the Health Professions Act model of regulation, which is based on a shared scope of practice and restricted activities. The intention of these proposed amendments is not to reduce or increase the scope of practice for these professions.

Pending the bringing into force of the HPOA, further amendments to the profession’s regulations will be required to align the regulations with the HPOA.

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that it does not intend to change the scope of practice for Occupational Therapists in British Columbia under the proposed changes to the regulation.

The Ministry of Health does not intend to change or restrict the scope of practice for occupational therapists working in mental health with the proposed regulation. COTBC does not interpret the proposed amendments to the regulation to change how occupational therapists provide services in mental health.

Yes. The College will provide comments regarding the proposed amendments to the regulation in accordance with the Ministry of Health consultation process via

We deeply appreciate the engagement of registrants and members of the public in the consultation process. The College will include in its submission information that has been shared by registrants and members of the public and will support the inclusion of language that addresses mental health in the definition of occupational therapy and the addition of restricted activities. However, it is important to note that the Ministry is responsible for the content of the regulation – that is not a matter over which the College has any decision-maker authority.

If you have comments on the proposed regulation, we encourage you to respond to the Ministry of Health via