What We Do

Our role is to make sure that the public receives safe, ethical, and effective occupational therapy services.

Occupational therapists are accountable for the quality of care they provide. Below are a few examples of how the College ensures that accountability.

Public Protection

We protect the public by:

  • setting the education and qualifications necessary to practice occupational therapy in BC
  • registering occupational therapists (OTs) who have met the professional requirements, enabling them to practice
  • maintaining a public register to check if an occupational therapist is registered and entitled to practice
  • setting the conditions that allow occupational therapists to maintain registration and practice
  • monitoring and supporting continuing competence through quality assurance and practice support programs that help occupational therapists keep current with practice and grow their knowledge and skills
  • developing standards of practice – the rules that occupational therapists follow
  • investigating complaints in an open and fair manner, and taking action when practice falls below expected standards for practice or breaches expectations for ethical conduct

Legislation & Bylaws

We are guided by the following legislation and our bylaws: