New Exam Timelines and Participation Requirements

Why everyone?

Each of the four practice contexts (physical health, neurological health, mental health, and child and youth health) is associated with its own exam. Ensuring a large sample in each exam is challenging if only 50% of our registrants participate. Placing everyone into the first administration will increase the reliability of our results and put us back on track with our original timelines. The CCE was originally estimated to be ready in 2014. Delays occurred due to the re-development of the Competence Maintenance element of the Quality Assurance Program and the complexities of delivering a program in a secure and online environment.

Occupational therapists receiving deferrals/waivers will remain the same and include registrants who

  • are successful Pilot test takers,
  • take the National Occupational Therapy Certification Exam (NOTCE) in 2015,
  • submit non-clinical declarations which are approved, and
  • are case writers or members of the Exam Technical Panel.

In the next year additional resources will be developed to assist occupational therapists who feel they need support in preparing for the CCE. Orientation materials as well as exam content was evaluated by the Pilot Test participants, and once analyzed will help inform further improvements.

Resources to Access Now

QAP Framework which includes the program purpose, mandate, guiding principles and program development milestones.

QAP Blueprint which supports the development, delivery and evaluation of the program. By applying the blueprint to all elements, the College ensures the content focuses on the competencies necessary for occupational therapists to provide safe, ethical and quality care. The blueprint also illustrates the relative importance of each area of competence to be addressed in the program, and in particular the Continuing Competence Exam (CCE). The appendix of the blueprint provides descriptions of the four practice contexts.

QAP Resources that case writers have used to support the cases, questions and answers. If you are looking for resources to help keep you up-to-date, you’ll find this list quite comprehensive. Not only does it pull the resources available for each of the regulatory topics in the QAP blueprint, it also lists several practice resources for each of the practice contexts. This list is updated regularly as new resources are used.

Sample exam questions in each practice context. Pilot testers found this helpful in understanding what types of questions to expect as well as which practice context best matches their practice.

Questions can be directed to

Occupational therapists can now conduct financial incapability assessments

Occupational therapists are now permitted to act as qualified health care providers for the purpose of conducting the functional component of a financial incapability assessment and to provide an opinion about the adult’s capability. However, the current limits and conditions require additional education and maintenance of competence.

The Board’s decision reflects COTBC’s accountability approach that requires occupational therapists to practice within the limits of their personal and professional competence. The limits and conditions are consistent with Ministry of Health expectations and, as much as possible, with the approach being taken by other health regulators.

At this time, Health Authorities are designating the staff that will act as qualified health care providers in their organizations. A mandatory online training course is available to ensure the safe implementation of this new regulation.

More information is available under Legislation Updates – Financial Incapability Assessment.

Download the Scope of Practice Statement